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Welcome to the practice space where we upload video

and audio recordings for personal practice at home.

The practice combines the guiding principles of the
'Sivananda Yoga' tradition together with trauma-sensitive yoga. 

For those who have not yet participated in the program - there are several short recordings,
which invite you to experience and taste the yoga practices.
Visit our YouTube channel for more practices:

For BIY members, enter with a password to a wider range of practices.


The recordings are divided into topics according to the 5 points of Yoga: 

Proper practice (asanas) - steady and comfortable postures allow emotional regulation through a connection to the physical and mental sensations.

Proper breathing (pranayama) - balance of the energy flow in the body & mind, relaxation of the nervous system is possible. 

Proper relaxation (Savasana) - an opportunity for observation and relaxation of physical and mental tensions throughout the auto-suggestion method.

Proper nutrition - Maintaining a vegetarian, balanced diet for proper activity of the digestive system, thus saving energy for essential daily function. 

Positive thinking & Meditation - It becomes possible to concentrate the mind, achieve mental control and the ability to change thinking patterns. 

Experience yoga practice

Sun Salutations 7 minutes warm-up

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